Tonight, Alpha Chi Omega took part in an academic presentation with Alpha Xi Delta. Our VP of Intellectual Development, Sarah McCausland, planned the event with two of Alpha Xi Delta's Academic Chairs. The presenter was Randy Schroeder from the Center of Academic Resources (CFAR).
During the presentation, Randy discussed many important topics for college students who are planning their futures. He spoke about the importance of follow up and thank you notes. women do not close with a handshake, but men do. It is important to close with a hand shake so that you can close a conversation and continue to interact with more people. It is also important to stand out in business presentations. Red is a power color and subtle things like that can help you to stand out. It is also important to get names correct because it show that you care.
How to network
Randy also gave information about how CFAR helps students plan for their futures. First they start with an assessment. They gather information and facts about you, and also find out why you came in. This can be an extensive process and take many visits. During the assessment process they also focus on career planning. Ways they can help to plan your career are the use of image-making self assessment, strong interest inventory, and JVIS.
The next step is gathering information. A resource for that is Wildcat Careers (, where you can find internships and alumni contacts. There is a group of 890 alumni and friends that have made themselves available for informational interviews. This is a helpful way to build your network and it is always impressive to do your homework about the person before your interview. Another resource for gathering information is Linkedin ( This service is like a professional facebook and you can use the profile to look up information before meetings. The only limit to gathering information is the effort you want to put in.
The next steps to follow are decision making, action steps, and then repeat if necessary.
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VP Intellectual Development Sarah McCausland and the Academic Chairs from AZD
The presenter, Randy Schroeder
The one senior in attendance, Alex Moran
Sarah McCausland and Randy Schroeder
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