Saturday, January 29, 2011

UNH Officers' Academy

This Saturday, the executive board of the Alpha Tau chapter of Alpha Chi Omega attended the UNH Officer's Academy.   Beginning at 10 am, Adam McCready and Dan Wrona presented various education and problem solving sessions.  Topics included financial responsibility, getting the word out, and strengthening bonds of sisters.  


Cait Buckley, Kasey Lynch, Sarah McCausland, Laura Gilbert, Sarah Oliviera, Cara Rapoport, Kelsey Horrigan, Paige Fagan, Evelyn Graff, and Sarah Trombley

"Eye opening and helpful for my leadership role in the year to come." Kasey- VP CRS

"Helpful hints to plan events and ways to live with less stress." Paige- VP Fraternal Relations

"I learned a lot about organization and planning in advance!"  Laura- VP Membership Development

"I learned many great tips to make events fun and more engaging.  Also how to get more sisters involved!"  Sarah M.- VP Intellectual Development

"The seminar for finance was extremely helpful." Kelsey- VP Finance

"The most important thing I learned was how to deal with sisters ideas and how to include them in my plans." Evelyn- Social Chair

"I learned a lot about involving all members and having a ton of excitement.  I will definitely utilize these skills with the new members." Sarah T.- VP Member Education

"I learned about how to motivate the chairs on my council and to deal with difficult people." Cara- VP of Panhellenic Council

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Week of Classes

The first week of classes is underway.  It was a messy first day with snow falling and slush on the ground.  The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega are taking it in strides though, walking to class together in the snow.  Already on Wednesday night sisters are huddled in the TV room doing homework while waiting for news on the impending snow storm. 

Sarah Oliveira, Kelsey Horrigan, Madisyn Foreman, Brianna Desrochers, Taylor Risotti, and Addie Fisher

Monday, January 17, 2011

Welcome to the new and improved Alpha Chi Omega at UNH blog.
I hope to keep this blog interesting and consistently updated.
So please keep checking for new posts!